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Showing posts from September, 2017

How to increase Memory of your Mind !

Students let's understand the techniques to increase the memory power for successful examination. Memory is the measure of retention .  how much you can retain in your mind that is considered as memory.  work regularly on the techniques given in the video to enhance your memory power and I am sure you will be benefited by these techniques.

Reaction Mechanism - Benzyne mechanism

Reaction mechanism involve a series of steps which represent a chemical Reaction. A species which is formed during a reaction & gets consumed during the reaction is called as Reaction Intermediate . Lets understand The Role of "Benzyne" Intermediate in the "reaction mechanism " of "Organic Chemistry" by Following video -

Carbocation rearrangement , Prediction of Unexpected Product.

In case of organic reaction , mechanism is the key of success . Organic reactions are of three types - (a) Addition Reaction (b) Substitution Reaction (c) Elimination Reactions All the above mentioned reaction involve the use of Electrophile & Nucleophiles. In most of the "electrophilic" reaction we get unexpected Products. Lets understand the formation of Unexpected Products by " Carbocation rearrangement ". Note - Following Video explains all about carbocation rearrangements -

Best tips for Learning Organic chemistry for NEET , JEE , Class XII & Clas XI.

Fear of organic can be easily rid of if you prepare it systematically. Let's understand the most powerful method to prepare organic for board as well as competitive examinations. Organic chemistry demands repeated written revision. Always revise new organic concept at least 2 times by writing. Page -1 :- On page number 1 just write down mechanism of organic reaction like SN1 , SN2 , SN-Ar & SN-th. Write all the factors of this mechanism along with sample problem on the first page. Page-2 :- On the page number 2 write the topic of general organic chemistry. Inductive effect, resonance effect ,Carbocation, hyperconjugation must be present on this page. Write all the sample problems on this page for these concepts. Page-3 , 4 :- On this page write the function of all the reagents in respective chapters along with the example of that reagent. If you need two pages then use two pages and solve the questions on these two pages. Page-5 :- On this page wri...

How to built career by Positive determination ?

In my life I have come across such situation so many times that what I think in my subconscious mind is always become reality. I was always amazed by seeing what is going on whatever I think that become reality. But the thing is that when I think by my conscious mind I don’t get that thought in reality but whatever I think in my subconscious mind 24 hours I always see that as reality in my life. Once I was very ill in my conscious mind are used to think that I will become okay but in my subconscious mind there was always a fear of surgery. You all can understand at that time I got surgery. This I’m such a large number of things created a conclusion in my mind that whatever we think in our subconscious mind then always become reality. Dear students same thing I would like to say to you think from your subconscious mind. Always have such determination in your subconscious mind that you are going to be successful . Parents generally used to say that their child is not working at...

How to become Powerful ! - Pradeep's Law of Success

Do have complaint about Luck & Success ? Lets first of all answer followings - 1. Are we actually programmed by luck ? 2. Is their any thing left to do in our life ? 3. So why we complain others for our failure , if everything is predetermined? 4. Is our life not going to change ? अगर ये सब प्रश्न के जवाब आप हाँ मैं देते हैं। … तो आप को आकस्मिक सहायता की जरुरत है !!!!!!!!!!! We don't know about luck , whether it exists or not !!! But what we can do , is to make our self more powerful in our thoughts and behaviour . "ऐ वक़्त ज़रा अदब से पेश आ , वक़्त नहीं लगता वक़्त बदल जाने में " Friends today I am disclosing the secret of being more powerful and key person in your organisation and in your life - दोस्तों आज कुछ बातें बताता हूँ आप को powerful बनाने के लिये - "PRADEEP's POSTULATES LAW OF BEING POWERFUL" 1. Your Action Creates a CHAIN reaction - Never respond immediately on any unfavourable situation . Take time to analyse situation & then...

Reasoning Questions of Organic Chemistry

Lots of questions in organic chemistry comes from the reasoning section. Each and every chapter of organic chemistry possess large number of reasoning questions. Answer of most of the question is based on resonance and inductive effect. A student must have prior knowledge of resonance and inductive effect to solve all the problems correctly. In case of halo alkanes and halo airings most of the questions comes from reactivity. Answers of all these questions are based upon resonating structure and partial double bond. In case of alcohols and phenols most of the questions are from acidic strength. Again strong knowledge of resonance and resonating structure can help in solving such type of questions. In case of aldehydes and ketones most of the questions are based on reactivity and the answer of these questions are based upon inductive effect. In case of a Amines maximum questions appears from basic strength and the answer in wall both residents as well as inductive effect...

Question Papers - Physical Chemistry , Subjective & Objective

Dear students Download your Respective test from following Links - 1. Subjective test -   Click here for Class-XII Test of PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY                                       Click here for Class - XI , Subjective test of CHEMICAL BONDING & REDOX REACTIONS 2.Multiple choice test -  Click here for Class-XII - MCQ Test of PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY                                        Click here for Class XI - MCQ - CHEMICAL BONDING                                       Click here for class-XI-MCQ test of REDOX REACTIONS 3. Alternate Link for downloading the tests -  Click here for Alternate Link for Downloading the tests

Alcohols - Class - XII - Full

Alcohols are the Mono alkyl derivative of water. Phenols are Phenyl derivative of water.

What is the Importance of Mock test - Test Series for NEET , JEE , XII , XI

The key of Sure success is the regular mock tests. Mock test means to perform in the real - like environment . PICS INSTITUTE organise free mock test of All India students as well out side students through AITS i.e. All India Test series. Any Student of Class XI & XII can participate in this test. Note - More Information is in following video - 

Solid state Chemistry Class XII - Important Questions

Chemical Kinetics - Important Questions

Most effective Tips for preparing Class 12th Solutions , Solid state & Electrochemistry

Here I am providing most effective method for preparation of chemistry for class XII | XI | NEET | JEE . Chemistry is one of the most important subject for getting Good rank in NEET & JEE , But it require a planned approach for success . Following video explains all about preparation of chapters - Solutions , Solid state & Electrochemistry for Class XII.

#1 Talk on the walk , JAM , IIT, IISC , Technica l education etc

Solid state - Important questions

Haloalkanes & Haloarenes for NEET | JEE | XII - Video , Notes & Book list

Organic chemistry class XII  Haloalkanes or Alkyl halides are the Halogen derivatives of Alkanes. Haloarenes or Aryl halides are the Halogen derivative of Benzene. Classification of Haloalkanes - They are of following types -  (a) Primary (b) Secondary (c) Tertiary halide.. Note - Following video explains the full Haloalkane & Haloarenes in details -  Note -  NOTES CAN BE DOWNLOADED BY CLICKING HERE.     Books for NEET | JEE | XII | XI - Objective chemistry for NEET - Objective chemistry for JEE9Mains + Advance) - Organic chemistry objective Book - Inorganic chemistry Objective Book - Physical Chemistry Objective - Objective Errorless Chemistry for NEET | JEE - Objective by R.C. Grover for JEE - Objective by R.C. Grover for NEET - For Board ...