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Showing posts from July, 2017

IUPAC Nomenclature - Answers of Excercise-1

PICS INSTITUTE is constantly doing efforts for the uplifting the student's confidence in chemistry . We have started Free Course in Organic chemistry on our YouTube channel "pics4iit". We are providing free worksheets & support for subscribers & registered students. Here we are posting the answers of the 1st - Exercise of "IUPAC Nomenclature"

IUPAC Nomenclature of Organic compounds - Work problems - Part - 1

Dear Students , Try to solve the Questions given in the video based upon Nomenclature . This exercise is highly useful for NEET | JEE | XII | XI -

How to built a good career !

As  you join class 11 the dream of most of the students is to prepare for JEE/NEET. Entire family wants to see this dream, every one from family wants to see you as an engineer or doctor. To be very Frank it is myth that there are only two career option one is engineering and other is doctor. Lots of choices are there. Now a days education is talking a student's career no where. Those were the days when a graduate student definitely get a job . But now a days it is very difficult to get a job. After doing Engineering students are preparing assistant level exam like CGL etc. Low salaried jobs , demanding huge work. Many time a student ask why to work hard for JEE and NEET when we are going for CGL ultimately. No doubt in this doubt.  So question arise " what to do for career " Answer is simple , do that in which you are perfect . It is better to opt for higher education. Don't stop at graduate level, try to complete your post graduation. You can opt for higher educati...

IUPAC Nomenclature for Organic compounds - 1

Fact & Story - Know the difference for becoming what you wanna .

Fact & Story - Know the difference for becoming what you wanna .

What is the difference between d-block & transition element , d & f- blo...

Worksheet Nomenclature - Organic chemistry

Students can download by clicking on following link . click here to download Work problems on Organic nomenclature.

Crystal field Theory , CFT , CFSE , Coordination compounds

Coordination compounds , Important Questions based on Isomerism.

Is it good to change Science to commerce stream ?

Maths , Main subject or additional ?

Geometrical Isomerism in Coordinate compounds

Tricks for Geometrical Isomerism in Coordinate compounds

Isomerism in Coordinate compounds , Inorganic chemistry

Multiple choice Question , Test , MCQ , Coordination compounds

Nomenclature Exercise , Problems for examination , coordination compounds

Coordination compounds , Double salt Vs Complex , Lecture - 1

Why do Noble gases are not known as Inert gases , Group - 18 , p-block

P-block elements , Group-wise Study , Lecture - 4

Acidic strength, Tips, Inorganic chemistry Lecture - 3

Reactivity & Factors , Inorganic - 2