Fear of organic can be easily rid of if you prepare it systematically. Let's understand the most powerful method to prepare organic for board as well as competitive examinations. Organic chemistry demands repeated written revision. Always revise new organic concept at least 2 times by writing. Page -1 :- On page number 1 just write down mechanism of organic reaction like SN1 , SN2 , SN-Ar & SN-th. Write all the factors of this mechanism along with sample problem on the first page. Page-2 :- On the page number 2 write the topic of general organic chemistry. Inductive effect, resonance effect ,Carbocation, hyperconjugation must be present on this page. Write all the sample problems on this page for these concepts. Page-3 , 4 :- On this page write the function of all the reagents in respective chapters along with the example of that reagent. If you need two pages then use two pages and solve the questions on these two pages. Page-5 :- On this page wri...