We all know very well that as the environment as we are . If it is polluted , we are . If it is vanished , we are . In order to have comfortable life , first step is to make our environment smooth and pure . What we need to do ?... I appreciate even the single and small step towards reducing the pollution , but I welcome those steps which are more practical than theoretical . DELHI Govt. took initiative by taking decisions like , no car day ... I appreciate it. It is good for our cardiac system too . Also they are thinking in the direction towards alternate day vehicle mode . Theoretically it sounds good , but practically it is difficult to implement successfully. It has its own limitations like - 1.Misbehaving elements of society in buses and metros . 2.Spreading of diseases like swine flue rapidly , due to rush in public place . 3.Increase in unhygienic conditions. 4.Every institution demand daily attendance and not alternate day attendance etc. ...