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Showing posts from June, 2015

Orbital concept -Chemical bonding by PICS INSTITUTE a Venture Of PICS ED...

PICS announces test series - 2016

Types of chemical Bond byPICS INSTITUTE a Venture Of PICS EDU SOLUTIONS ...

Oxidation State & Application by PICS INSTITUTE a Venture Of PICS EDU S...

How to select stream after class X or 10th?

Every stream has its own significance . Check your genes and your interest . Some time child is good in paternal or maternal subjects , some time a child has his own interest . First check about your interest in your paternal or maternal subject , if you are good in those , go ahead. Because you will get good support of your family too in those subject.  If you are facing difficulty in those subject , go according to your interest . 

Gas laws-States of matter by PICS INSTITUTE a Venture Of PICS EDU SOLUTI...