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Redox Reaction : MCQ test | Mock Test

Dear students solve following MCQ based upon Redox reaction . Submit your Answers in comment section.
1.What will be the absolute oxidation number of Cl in Bleaching Powder –
        a.  0 , 0                    b 1,1     
       c. +1 & -1              d. None of these                
2What is the oxidation number of Br in the BrO3ion?
        a.            -1       b.  1        c.    +5        d.   -5      e.  +7
3. What kind of reaction is Cl2    à Cl+ ClO2-    (aside from unbalanced)?
     a.   An oxidation                                b.  A reduction     
     c.   A disproportionation     
    d.  An impossible reaction               e.    None of these
4. In the reaction HNO2 + I-  àNO + I2      what atoms are being oxidized and reduced, respectively?
     a.   O, I       b.   O, I         c.  I, N        d.  N, I        e. N, O
5. Oxidation number of Sulphur in H2SO5 is –
    a. 8            b.  6                c.  10         d. none
6. How many Oxygen are Peroxide in nature in CrO5 –
   a. 3              b. 2                c. 4            d. None
7. Which Will act as Only Oxidising agent –
  a. SO2          b.H2S             c. H2SO5     d. H2SO3

 Click here for Redox reaction Videos

Click here for Videos on redox reaction - Link - 2


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